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Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa : Containing a Description of the Several Nations fo... by Moore, Francis Fl 1744, Sti... ISBN: 9781371153083 List Price: $29.95
The History and Description of Africa and of the Notable Things Therein Contained, Vol. 3 of... by Africanus, Leo, Leo Africanus ISBN: 9781333878740 List Price: $16.57
Description de L'Afrique, Vol. 1: Tierce Partie Du Monde; Avec Deux Cartes (Classic Reprint)... by Africanus, Leo, Leo Africanus ISBN: 9781334563546 List Price: $16.57
Description de L'Afrique, Vol. 2: Tierce Partie Du Monde (Classic Reprint) (French Edition) by Africanus, Leo, Leo Africanus ISBN: 9781334563201 List Price: $16.97
History and Description of Afric : And of the notable things therein Contained by Leo, Africanus, Brown, Robe... ISBN: 9781176672604 List Price: $38.75
The History and Description of Africa V1 by Leo Africanus ISBN: 9781169968547 List Price: $36.95
The History and Description of Africa V1 by Leo Africanus ISBN: 9781498164474 List Price: $51.95
Leo Africanus. Der Sklave des Papstes. Roman. by Amin Maalouf ISBN: 9783426032565
The history and description of Africa by Leo Africanus ISBN: 9785518639140 List Price: $59.95
History and Description of Africa : And of the Notable Things Therein Contained Volume 2 No.... by Brown, Robert, Pory, John, ... ISBN: 9781293711118 List Price: $38.75
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9781018582627 List Price: $23.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9781018578088 List Price: $33.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9781016733212 List Price: $32.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9781016737722 List Price: $21.95
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